Days like today make anything seem possible. The sun is shining. The breeze is gentle. The sunlight and shadows dance hypnotically across the landscape. The birds are singing and the bugs are humming. You can feel the perfection of Summers green, gently softening for the next season of beauty and color.
On days with this much beauty, 1000 dreams are born.
The magic of nature is captured in my soul and everything wrong, seems somehow righted.
It is easy to believe in the power within and to untie the binds that limit.
Contentment and wild ambitions weave a beautiful tapestry than no words can describe.
I can sit in the stillness and yet fly simultaneously.
Life is once again a grand adventure!
It is obvious in these moments that the only limitations that exist, are the limits I myself have created. Life is full and limitless!
It is I who decides where the edges are.
The boundaries are in my mind.
Where will I allow my mind to expand and grow?
Where will I allow this beautiful moment to take me?
What chains and bonds will I release before the moment passes?
Freedom awaits.
Will I seize the moment?
Will I look for opportunities I did not notice before?
Will I allow myself to be more?
To love more? To pursue more? To serve more? To see the impossible as possible?
Will I allow the energy within to bring forth more goodness, more beauty, more life?
Will I say today, "I am going to truly live life to it's fullest".
There is a light inside that calls me to inspire, to contribute, to be the most beautiful rendering of the soul fire that is within me. That gift that was given with the very first breath I took.
Will I use the remaining breaths in my lungs for spreading hope and love in the world?
Today I decide. Today you decide.
How will we use the breaths we breathe today?
Be Courageous! Be Brave!