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What beautiful journey or ambition calls to you?

As I sit here in the quiet on this rainy December day, I am so grateful for the opportunity to touch people’s hearts and souls, to help them to grow, to change, to dig deeper and discover the hidden beauty and strength within.


Life is hard, challenging and overwhelming at times and we should never do it alone. 

You are stronger and more capable than you can imagine. 


This is where your life will change. 

What beautiful journey or ambition calls to you? Do you seek inner peace?

Sit quietly with your vision. How does accomplishing your vision feel?

Pick up a pen and paper and begin to write what you see. 

Where are you? What are you doing? How do you feel? Who is with you?

You may see faces of loved ones or friends you know or you could just sense the presence of connecting with someone you don’t know yet. You are grateful for who is with you in this place but mostly you are proud of the person you are. This person you have become had to walk through a lot of hard days. Making what appear as small, unimportant changes but they were mountains to you. 

These small steps of change were intentional, you chose them because you realized you must start somewhere. Your health, your mind, your soul, demanded you move or you would shrivel up on the inside. Although you still have life and breath, it would feel meaningless, unless you stepped out with courage. You stepped out with courage. You believed in the possibilities.

Right now you may have many loud voices in your life. 

These voices may come from many sources. These voices may even come from people that care about you but they do not understand the gifts you have been given and the purpose you long to embrace or discover. 

This inner calling will require you to love people, but you must learn to set boundaries. Some relationships may need to be let go. You may need to allow people you care deeply for, to walk their own journey, to heal, to find their own way. Someday you may meet again or reconnect when you have traveled the path of healing and growth you each needed to take.

For your own healing journey, for the next chapter of your life, what voices do you need to quiet? What are the voices of family, friends or the world that distract you from the life you were meant to live? 

This life you were meant to live, is one of physical and mental strength, and clarity. 

This life you are designing will bring you fulfillment and joy. Design it with intentional choices.

Choose. Move towards this life you imagine. 

As you think about this new chapter you are writing, imagine the peace and clarity that have resulted from your actions and choices.

With each step of courage, you are reminded of how far you have come. 

The importance of the things you dreamed of, was not in the things, but the importance was the person you discovered along the journey. Each brave new action helped you believe in a better life and the power of the spirit within you.

The changes within, took place because you chose to live an intentional life. These changes are not ones you can describe out loud. The intense emotions, the inner peace, the alignment of your soul, it is yours alone. They are worth more than anything else this world has to offer.

What small step can you make towards the brave and fulfilling life you imagine?

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