Hi friend. It’s been a while since I sat here with you. Welcome to my home. The place where I share things from the heart.
Today I want to remind you to lean in. To listen. To love.
Distraction is one of the greatest enemies of good. Pause today and take inventory.
What is pulling your heart and your mind away from the good things you want to do with your life?
What is taking away the joy of this day you have been given?
Is something you have no control over stealing your thoughts and your life one moment at a time? What is distracting you from focusing on doing the good that’s right in front of you?
I have often allowed circumstances, people and situations to distract me from loving and serving the people in front of me. The people I love the most and those I know could use a kind word or encouragement.
So today I am sitting down to write, to share and to remind each of us to reset.
To be present with our loved ones.
To look for opportunities to do good today, in this moment.
Not tomorrow.
Not next week.
Not in a year.
Not when we get our lives together.
But now.
You have this day. You may not have another.
Who can you lift up in your own home today?
In your community or across the world?
I know someone came to mind.
Remind someone how strong, beautiful and amazing they are.
Thank you for lifting someone today.
Much Love, Sarah